

Powder Metallurgy Books and Publications


The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has an extensive collection of powder metallurgy books and publications related to the science, technology, and business of powder metallurgy and particulate materials.
Explore this online resource on MPIF's Techstreet storefront.

A few of the most popular texts are:

MPIF Standard 35 - PM Structural Parts

This standard provides the design and materials engineer with the latest engineering property data and information available in order to specify materials for structural parts made by the PM process. Ensure that your quality assurance/laboratory staff and your sales and marketing personnel/representatives have the latest edition of this standard. Keep a supply handy for future trade shows, plant visits, customers, etc.

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MPIF Standard 35 - Metal Injection Molded Parts

Developed by the metal injection molding (MIM) commercial parts manufacturing industry, this standard provides the design and materials engineer with the latest engineering property data and information available in order to specify materials for components made by the MIM process. Ensure that your quality assurance/laboratory staff and your sales and marketing personnel/representatives have the latest edition of this standard. Keep a supply handy for trade shows, plant visits and new and existing customers.

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Standard Test Methods for Metal Powder and Powder Metallurgy Products, 2025 Edition

The MPIF Standard Test Methods publication contains 48 standards covering terminology and recommended methods of test for metal powders, powder metallurgy and injection molded parts, metallic filters, and powder metallurgy equipment. These standards, intended to present and clarify PM technology as an aid in conducting business, relate to those activities that concern designers, manufacturers, and users of PM parts.

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Powder Metallurgy Design Manual

With over 75 photos and illustrations the "PM Design Manual" is now more important than ever before. The third edition of this popular manual has been revised to include new sections on measurement and testing of PM components, advanced materials and processes, and completely updated tables, charts, and standards. New case studies help you apply the practical principles of PM design.

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Fatigue Design Concepts

Morris Sonsino's work in fatigue design of PM products has contributed greatly to the store of PM data; however, even more significant is his ability to provide design engineers with guidelines on the unique characteristics of PM materials and hence on the design concepts and rules appropriate to PM products.

This title represents a very important "tool" for the PM structural parts industry in its promotion of the use of PM products in high performance applications.

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Metal Injection Molding: A Comprehensive MIM Design Guide

This guide organizes the facts on the process options, materials, properties, design features, manufacturing tolerances, applications, markets and costs to enable the design community to best utilize this net-shape production route.


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