The automotive industry is easily the largest market sector for powder metallurgy (PM). According to the Metal Powder Industries Federation's (MPIF) 2018 State of the PM Industry Report, the resilient light-truck market remains a heavy user of PM. A recent tear-down project of a 2017 Ford F-150 truck showed that the truck contained 32.46 kg (71.5 lb) of PM parts. This report can be found on the website.
The value of powder metallurgy for the automotive market is demonstrated throughout multiple case studies. From differential gear sets to steering columns and crankshaft sprockets, PM is an integral part of the automotive industry.
The parts below are a small sampling of award-winning parts submitted to the MPIF's annual Powder Metallurgy Design Excellence Awards competition. These PM components showcase the many ways in which PM excels as a metal-forming technology.